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The planetary system Kepler-37 hosts at least 4 planets.

  System parameters
Primary system name Kepler-37
Alternative system names UGA-1785, KOI-245, KIC 8478994
Right ascension 18 56 14.3077
Declination +44 31 05.3892
Distance [parsec] 66.0
Distance [lightyears] 215
Number of stars in system 1
Number of planets in system 4

ArchitectureArchitecture of the system

This list shows all planetary and stellar components in the system. It gives a quick overview of the hierarchical architecture.

  •  Kepler-37, stellar object
    •  Kepler-37 b, planet, semi-major axis: 0.1003+0.0008−0.0011 AU
      •  Kepler-37 c, planet, semi-major axis: 0.1368+0.0011−0.0014 AU
        •  Kepler-37 d, planet, semi-major axis: 0.2076+0.0016−0.0022 AU
          •  Kepler-37 e, planet, semi-major axis: 0.251 AU

          PlanetsPlanets in the system

          This table lists all planets in the system Kepler-37.

            Kepler-37 b Kepler-37 c Kepler-37 d Kepler-37 e
          Alternative planet names KOI-245.03, KOI-245 b, KIC 8478994 b, UGA-1785 b, TYC 3131-1199-1 b, Gaia DR2 2106674071344722688 b KOI-245.02, KOI-245 c, KIC 8478994 c, UGA-1785 c, TYC 3131-1199-1 c, Gaia DR2 2106674071344722688 c KOI-245.01, KOI-245 d, KIC 8478994 d, UGA-1785 d, TYC 3131-1199-1 d, Gaia DR2 2106674071344722688 d KOI-245 e, KIC 8478994 e, UGA-1785 e, KOI-245.04, TYC 3131-1199-1 e, Gaia DR2 2106674071344722688 e
          Description Kepler-37 b is a tiny planet, about the size of our Moon. Due to the high irradiation it has probably a rocky surface with no atmosphere or water, similar to Mercury. NASA has given the planetary system the alternative identifier UGA-1785 in honor of the University of Georgia. Kepler-37 is a three planet system discovered by Kepler. The planet Kepler-37 c is about three quaters the size of Earth. NASA has given the planetary system the alternative identifier UGA-1785 in honor of the University of Georgia. Kepler-37 d is the outermost planet in a three planet system discovered by Kepler. It is twice as big as Earth and therefore the largest known planet in the system. NASA has given the planetary system the alternative identifier UGA-1785 in honor of the University of Georgia. The fourth planet in the Kepler-37 system was discovered by transit timing variations. Very little is known of its properties.
          Lists Confirmed planets
          Mass [Mjup] N/A N/A N/A N/A
          Mass [Mearth] N/A N/A N/A N/A
          Radius [Rjup] 0.027+0.005−0.006 0.066+0.006−0.007 0.1813 N/A
          Radius [Rearth] 0.30+0.05−0.07 0.74+0.07−0.08 2.03 N/A
          Orbital period [days] 13.3673±0.0001 21.3019±0.0000 39.7922±0.0000 51.2
          Semi-major axis [AU] 0.1003+0.0008−0.0011 0.1368+0.0011−0.0014 0.2076+0.0016−0.0022 0.251
          Eccentricity 0.08+0.21−0.08 0.09+0.18−0.09 0.15+0.07−0.10 N/A
          Equilibrium temperature [K] N/A N/A N/A N/A
          Discovery method transit transit transit timing
          Discovery year 2013 2013 2013 2014
          Last updated [yy/mm/dd] 15/06/09 15/06/09 15/06/09 15/03/18

          starStars in the system

          This table lists all stars in the system Kepler-37.

          Alternative star names KOI-245, KIC 8478994, UGA-1785, 2MASS J18561431+4431052, TYC 3131-1199-1, Gaia DR2 2106674071344722688
          Mass [MSun] 0.80±0.07
          Radius [RSun] 0.77±0.03
          Age [Gyr] 6.00
          Metallicity [Fe/H] -0.32±0.07
          Temperature [K] 5417±75
          Spectral type N/A
          Visual magnitude 9.77±0.03

          Planet sizes

          The following plot shows the approximate sizes of the planets in this system The Solar System planets are shown as a comparison. Note that unless the radius has been determined through a transit observation, this is only an approximation (see Lissauer et al. 2011b).

          PlutoMercuryMarsVenusEarthNeptuneUranusSaturnJupiterKepler-37 bKepler-37 cKepler-37 d

          Habitable zone

          The following plot shows the approximate location of the planets in this system with respect to the habitable zone (green) and the size of the star (red). This is only an estimate, using the star's spectral type and mass. Note that if no green band is shown in the plot, then the planet's orbit is far outside the habitable zone. The equations of Selsis, Kasting et al are used to draw the inner and outer boundaries.

          Habitable zoneKepler-37 bKepler-37 cKepler-37 dKepler-37 e

          referencesScientific references and contributors

          Links to scientific papers and other data sources


          This table lists all links which are relevant to this particular system. Note that this is just a summary. More references to the scientific publications and comments can be found in the commit messages. To see these, head over the github or click here to directly go to the git blame output of this system. In the left column of the output you can see the commit message corresponding to each parameter. It also lists the date of the last commit and the person making the changes. Within the commit message, you will find a link to the scientific publication where the data is taken from. Note that this is a new feature and not all system parameters might have a reference associated with it yet. Please help making this catalogue better and contribute data or references!

          Open Exoplanet Catalogue contributors

          Contributor E-mail Number of commits
          Andrew Tribick ajtribick(at) 3
          Hanno Rein hanno(at) 10
          Marc-Antoine Martinod marc-antoine.martinod(at) 3
          Ryan Varley ryanjvarley(at) 2
          T E 1

          This table lists all people who have contributed to the Open Exoplanet Catalogue. Please consider contributing! Click here to find out how. You can also view all commits contributing to this file on github.

          xmlData download

          You can download the xml file corresponding to this planetary system, which is part of the Open Exoplanet Catalogue. All information on this page has been directly generated from this XML file. You can also download the entire catalogue over at github. If you prefer to download the dataset as an ASCII tables, you might find the oec_tables repository useful.


          If you spot an error or if you can contribute additional data to this entry, please send an e-mail to Please include the corrected xml file and a reference to where the new data is coming from, ideally a scientific paper. If you are fluent with git and github, you can also create a pull request or open an issue on the Open Exoplanet Catalogue repository. Please include the reference to the relevant scientific paper in your commit message.